
 ⇒New Study: Antidepressants Help Patients with Fibromyalgia: Scientific American

Drugs traditionally used to treat depression are also effective in easing widespread pain, sleep disturbances and dismal moods associated with fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS), according to a large-scale analysis published today in JAMA The Journal of the American Medical Association. The study confirms earlier research about the meds' effect on symptoms associated with this mysterious disease.

For example, SSRI's (such as Prozac) significantly reduced pain and lightened depression, but did not relieve fatigue or sleep disturbances, whereas SNRI's (such as Cymbalta) helped with pain, sleep disturbances and the blues, although they did not perk up the weary. TCA's (such as Vanatrip) helped alleviate pain, fatigue and sleep disturbances, but MAOI's (such as Manerix) only seemed to help with pain.
