朝日社説 派遣切り拡大の衝撃―雇用を立て直す契機に : asahi.com(朝日新聞社):社説


 こういうことね⇒Terms of Trade - washingtonpost.com

The CBO's data show that, while the loss of manufacturing jobs in the first decade of the 21st century was especially sharp and sustained, it is hardly a brand-new phenomenon. In fact, the United States has been gradually going out of the manufacturing business for nearly half a century. As a share of total employment, manufacturing work declined from about 19.5 percent in 1958 to 10 percent now. This country emerged from World War II as a kind of planetary workshop, supplying cars, steel, chemicals and just about everything else for a world that was mostly poor and politically weak. That artificial dominance was bound to fade; today, our economy still leads the world, but billions of working-age men and women, from China to Peru, stand ready and able to produce things that once came only from Detroit or Pittsburgh. Millions of them have been lifted out of poverty as a result. The challenge for the United States now is to find new engines of growth, profits and jobs -- whether in manufacturing or some other sector. We hope that the Obama administration helps U.S. firms adapt. But we hope it also understands that no one can abolish economic reality -- and that it would be futile to try.
