消えるミツバチ 蜂群崩壊症候群

 ニュース⇒ミツバチ集団失踪 米下院で養蜂専門家ら公聴会|米国|国際|Sankei WEB
 ニュース⇒Ameba News|ミツバチ「ハッチ」はどこへ?米欧で集団失踪深刻化
 携帯電話説⇒Cell Phones To Blame For Deserted Bee Colonies?

A small study from Landau University in Germany suggests that the navigational capabilities of honeybees may be adversely affected by radiation from GSM cell phones. The findings could provide an answer to the mystery of disappearing bee colonies across the Western world.

 同⇒携帯電話のためにミツバチ消える : Japanese JoongAngIlbo
 殺虫剤説⇒Pesticides may be hurting honeybees: researcher

It's too soon to say exactly which pesticide may be causing the problem, but there is evidence that points to new synthetic pesticides called neonicotinoids, Berenbaum said. Studies in France have already shown some link between the products and a declining bee population, she said.
