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⇒Is It Safe to Fly During the Swine Flu Outbreak? - Consults Blog - NYTimes.com
Consider a face mask. Face masks may help but only need to be used when outbreaks become widespread and are declared a pandemic.
The most commonly used simple face masks only filter about 62 percent of very small particles, compared to about 98 percent for professional-grade face masks (these are typically designated N-95).
Simple face masks are designed to prevent large droplets that are coughed or sneezed from contaminating the environment rather than protecting the wearer.
Bring an extra mask along, and kindly offer it to anyone coughing or sneezing who looks sick. This will keep any droplets from landing on you.
Based on currently available information, for non-healthcare settings where frequent exposures to persons with novel influenza A (H1N1) are unlikely, masks and respirators are not recommended.
CDC 2008⇒CDC Features - What You Should Know about Using Facemasks and Respirators
米政府 2007⇒Interim Public Health Guidance for the Use of Facemasks and Respirators in Non-Occupational Community Settings during an Influenza Pandemic
They are not designed to protect you against breathing in very small particles.
No recommendation can be made at this time for mask use in the community by asymptomatic persons, including those at high risk for complications, to prevent exposure to influenza.
BBC 2009⇒BBC NEWS | Health | Can masks help stop flu spread?
Dr Ronald Cutler, deputy director of biomedical science at the University of London, said: "If you sneeze with a mask the virus will be contained so from that point of view if everyone wore them it might stop the spread.
"Or you could get the people with flu wearing them, but by the time they are diagnosed it could be too late.
"And the problem is that when someone sneezes they tend to take a mask off. I think masks give people a false sense of security.
"They are not bio-chemical suits. Masks are obviously just covering one part of the body so your hands and clothes could all have the virus on and when you take them off you will infect yourself.
"However, because people are wearing a mask they will think they are protected and may go into crowded areas.
"The best advice is to wash your hands and cover your mouth when sneezing."
LA 2009⇒Face masks aren't a sure bet against swine flu - Los Angeles Times
Once they get moist, they are no longer useful," Mascola said. "Your saliva is going to be pooling in that mask. That will make is not useful because germs will be able to permeate."
Taking a mask on and off contaminates it and makes it less useful, as well. It is effective "only for a 20-minute to a half-hour period," she said. "Even in those places during the SARS epidemic, they found hand-washing as effective as wearing masks."