
 WSJCertifying Parents - WSJ.com

In the annals of judicial imperialism, we have arrived at a strange new chapter. A California court ruled this month that parents cannot "home school" their children without government certification. No teaching credential, no teaching. Parents "do not have a constitutional right to home school their children," wrote California appellate Justice Walter Croskey.

 WP⇒Home Is Where the School Is - washingtonpost.com

During a break in a high school debate tournament not long ago, my 17-year-old son struck up a conversation with a student on the rival team from a New Jersey public school. "Where's your school?" asked the boy. When my son replied that he was home-schooled, the student probed.

 ⇒豊浦の新道の駅問題、会期中にも議会と協議へ : 室蘭民報ニュース

