
 ⇒Pio of Pietrelcina - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
 ⇒「ピオ神父の生涯」 ジョン・A・シュグ著 甲斐睦興訳 聖母の騎士社
 ⇒BBC NEWS | Europe | Italy exhumes revered monk's body

The body of Padre Pio, who died 40 years ago and was later made a saint, will be prepared by experts before being placed in a glass coffin.

 ⇒Padre Pio's body exhumed -Times Online
 ⇒VOA News - Saint's Body Exhumed After 40 Years

The body of mystic monk Padre Pio, one of the world's most popular saints, has been exhumed in preparation for public veneration. Sabina Castelfranco reports from Rome the body of the Capuchin friar will go on display next month to mark the 40th anniversary of his death.

 まあぶっちゃけ⇒ピオ神父のこと - アヴァンギャルド精神世界
 ちなみに⇒極東ブログ: レーニン廟の話