Googleがダルフール危機問題にGoogle Earthでコミット!

 ⇒United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and Google Earth

The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum has joined with Google in an unprecedented online mapping initiative. Crisis in Darfur enables more than 200 million Google Earth users worldwide to visualize and better understand the genocide currently unfolding in Darfur, Sudan. The Museum has assembled content�photographs, data, and eyewitness testimony�from a number of sources that are brought together for the first time in Google Earth.

 ⇒U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum and Google Join in Online Darfur Mapping Initiative : Google Press Center: Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum today joined with Google (NASDAQ: GOOG) to unveil an unprecedented online mapping initiative aimed at furthering awareness and action in the Darfur region of Sudan. Crisis in Darfur, enables more than 200 million Google Earth™ mapping service users worldwide to visualize and better understand the genocide currently unfolding in Darfur. The Museum has assembled content—photographs, data and eyewitness testimony—from a number of sources that are brought together for the first time in Google Earth. This information will appear as a Global Awareness layer in Google Earth starting today.




 ⇒「Google Earth」にダルフール紛争に関する新レイヤー追加

 米Googleは10日、スーダン国内のダルフール地方で起きている大虐殺に関する情報を含む3つの新レイヤーを追加したと発表した。これらの新レイヤーはGoogle Earth日本語版でもデフォルトの状態で見ることができる。

 Google Earthをお持ちなら⇒