
 ⇒Danger from the Bird-Flu Drug? | TIME

If Tamiflu were only needed for normal, seasonal influenza, this debate wouldn't matter outside Japan. In most Western countries Tamiflu, which can speed up recovery from the flu by a day or so at most, has barely been used. It's only been in prescription drug-happy Japan, where the government effectively made Tamiflu free, that the drug became popular before bird flu made it a household word. But because Tamiflu has been one of the few drugs to show effectiveness against H5N1 avian flu, it has become the key pharmacological component in international pandemic preparation plans. If a pandemic were to strike tomorrow, tens of millions of people could soon be given Tamiflu. So while it is unlikely that the drug will be withheld due to the nebulous concerns out of Japan, the uncertainty only adds to the long list of worries that scientists, bureaucrats and politicians must prepare for in case of catastrophe.

 "in case of catastrophe"の意味がわかんないのかと思うよ。死体の山が想像できないのか。
 ⇒Roche Says No Tamiflu Link to Psychiatric Symptoms?|?Health & Drugs?|?Reuters.co.uk

Clinical studies have shown similar rates of neurologic and psychiatric events in paediatric patients being treated with Tamiflu compared to those not taking the drug.
Concerns that Tamiflu -- seen as effective against a possible pandemic triggered by bird flu -- may induce fatal side effects are growing in Japan after two people who took it fell to their deaths last month.
Roche pointed out that influenza is a serious and sometimes life-threatening disease and in some cases causes delirium, confusion and disorientation.

 ⇒bmj.com Rapid Responses for Cole, 331 (7524) 1041