
 ⇒asahi.com:ドイツで「産む機械」論争 司教発言きっかけに?-?国際


 ⇒German Bishop Slammed For Calling Women "Birthing Machines" | Germany | Deutsche Welle | 23.02.2007

A German bishop has sharply criticized government plans to improve childcare facilities, saying they reduce women to "birthing machines" who quickly have to return to work. The remarks even have conservatives up in arms.

 「quickly have to return to work」ということろが「機械」とされているのでは?

Perverting the term "birthing machine"
The latter is reminiscent of the situation in post-war Germany in the 1950s when marriage and family were propagated as the sole aim in life for women. Previously, the Nazis had practiced a downright mother cult.
Bildunterschrift: Grosansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: Children can have just as much fun in daycare as at home Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels once said that the first and best place for a woman was in the family and the most wonderful task that she can fulfill is producing children.
During the 1960s and 1970s, many feminists in Germany used the term Gebärmaschine or "birthing m achine" to criticize women who stayed home after the war, producing one baby after another.
