
 ⇒はてなブックマーク - 人力検索はてな - 人間の男女が顔と顔を向き合わせて性交をすることを、正常位と呼びますが、いったい誰がこれを正常だと呼び始めたのですか。動物でそんなことをしている動物はい
 ちなみに⇒Missionary position - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Origin of the term
There is a common belief that the term "missionary position" arose in response to teachings by Christian missionaries that this sex position was the only "proper" way to engage in sexual intercourse. This is in fact a myth. The reality is that the term probably originated some time between 1945 and 1965 through a confluence of (apparently honest) misunderstandings and misinterpretations of historical documents.[3][4]