はてなQより あなたの人生に衝撃を与えた1冊

 ⇒人力検索はてな - あなたの人生に衝撃を与えた1冊を教えてください。 簡単な内容とあなたに与えた変化なども教えて頂けると嬉しいです。 ちなみに私は三十路前の多趣味な男です。 去年読んだ..

 この前の朝、君たちみんなが楽しそうにしているのを見ながら、これから君たちの身の上にいったい何が起こるだろうかと私は考えていた。内に炎を燃やしつつ人生を生きていくだろうか、それとも残りの人生をビジネスマンや主婦として生きていくのだろうか? 考えてみたことがあるだろうか? 君たちは世間体を押し分けて進み、一切の順応を突き破って通るように教育されるべきではないだろうか? たぶん私は何か危険なことを言っているが、それは問題ではない。もし君たちが耳を傾けていれば、たぶんいま言っていることが君たちの意識のどこかに沈んでいって、いつか何らかの決心をする瞬間に、君たちの人生行路を変更するかもしれない。
 Probably, the girls among you will grow up and get married and the boys will have careers and that will be the end. You know, the moment you get married - I am not saying you should not get married - you have your husband, children, and responsibilities begin to crowd in like crows upon a tree. The husband, the house, your children, become a habit and you become caught in that habit. All through your life, till you die, you will be working, working in the house or going to the office, every day.
 I wondered - the other morning when I saw you all having a good time - what is going to happen to you all? Will you live a life with a fire burning in you or will you become for the rest of your life a businessman or a housewife? What are you going to do? Should you not be educated to cut through respectability, to burst through all conformity? Probably I am saying something dangerous, but it does not matter. Perhaps you will give an ear and perhaps this will sink somewhere into your consciousness and perhaps in a moment when you are about to make a decision, this may alter the course of your life.