Google PC? でブックマーカーはどれだけ釣れるか

 ⇒ITmedia +D PCUPdate:Google PCは本当だった
 リテラシー・ヲチ⇒はてなブックマーク - ITmedia D PCUPdate:Google PCは本当だった
 ⇒No launch of low cost Google PC

The INQ belives that speculators mixed up such a product with Page's own enthusiasm for an MIT project that intends to supply children worldwide with a $100 clockwork laptop PC.

 ⇒CRN | Google At CES: Video and Software But No PC

In a speech at the International CES show in Las Vegas, Google co-founder Larry Page dropped both announcements while declining to comment on an audience question about when a Google PC and operating system would be available.

 バックレ⇒ITmedia +D PCUPdate:100ドルPCをGoogleが世界に広めたい──Google基調講演 (1/2)