VOA Powell Takes Lead in Defending US Policy in Iraq

He said Iraq's Defense Ministry will control its own troops, and those Iraqi soldiers will become part of a multi-national force. "The Iraqi Ministry of Defense, and the Minister of Defense, and the generals working within the Ministry of Defense will have command and control over their troops. But we also expect that for the unity of command and to make sure there is no confusion as what we are doing with respect to security, they will put those troops under the direction of the multi-national force commander who will be an American," he said.

 パウエルがしゃべっているからというわけではないが、パウエルの息がかかるか? しかし、彼は引退するだろう。

 パウエル絡みで→Powell scolds aide for halting tough Russert interview

 *<イラク>主権移譲後も米軍が指揮権 米国務長官