朝日社説 欧州連合―EU大統領が誕生する

 比較⇒FT.com / Comment / Editorial - EU top job search is too narrow

As for the job of president, the highest-profile candidate is Tony Blair, but he comes from the left – where he is unloved. Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, would be ideal, but she is not available. Herman van Rompuy, the Belgian prime minister, is favourite because he has the fewest enemies.

 つまり、実態は"because he has the fewest enemies"という懐かしの自民党総裁選みたいな話。


Yet the 27 are limiting the choice. The future president, they say, must come from the ranks of centre-right present or former heads of government. The “high representative”, on the other hand, must be from the political centre-left, according to a tacit understanding with the European parliament. As a vice-president of the European Commission, he or she should provide political balance to the appointment of Jose Manuel Barroso, the centre-right president, they say.
