朝日社説 東アジア協力―内需拡大こそ共通利益だ : asahi.com(朝日新聞社)



 サミュエルソンは⇒Robert J. Samuelson - China's Dollar Deception - washingtonpost.com

But China also has a default position: promoting exports. It has increased export rebates; engaged in currency "swaps" with trading partners (the latest: $10 billion with Argentina) to stimulate demand for Chinese goods; and stopped the RMB's slow appreciation. China seems comfortable advancing its economy at other countries' expense. Zhou's pronouncement provides a political rationale for predatory behavior: If we're innocent victims of U.S. economic mismanagement, then we're entitled to do whatever is necessary to insulate ourselves from the fallout. Down this path lies growing mistrust.
