
 ⇒China Sentences an Advocate of Land Rights to Five Years - New York Times
 ⇒Chinese dissident jailed for five years after human rights petition | World news | The Guardian

A Chinese dissident who dared to claim that human rights were more important than the Olympic games was sentenced to five years in prison yesterday after being found guilty of subversion.

 ⇒Beijing Olympics: five-year sentence for speaking out - Times Online
 ⇒China to increase torch security after protest - CNN.com
 ⇒asahi.com:「五輪より人権」訴えた中国活動家に懲役5年 - 国際


 ⇒In China, Rights Activists Use Olympics to Push for Reforms - washingtonpost.com

BEIJING, March 24 -- Demonstrators denouncing China's record on human rights breached strict security in Ancient Olympia on Monday and disrupted a torch-lighting ceremony that launched the Olympic flame's long journey to Beijing.

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