
 これ⇒Roche downplays Japan's Tamiflu concerns - Financial Times - MSNBC.com

The fresh restrictions in Japan highlight the broader difficulties in understanding cause and effect in treatment using medicine, and the challenge for regulators in balancing their risks against benefits.

European regulators last month recommended a modification to stress that there had been "reports" of such side-effects. The Japanese continue to emphasise the lack of a causal link, although the country's doctors and public opinion tend to be less tolerant of side-effects from medicine than their counterparts in the US.

Eduard Holdener, Roche's head of global pharmaceutical development, stressed that Japan had a high suicide rate, and that flu itself was often associated with neuro-psychiatric symptoms. He added that Tamiflu had saved many lives,

 EU⇒EU says Tamiflu safe to use despite Japan's suspension for teenagers+ : Therapeutics Daily
 ⇒Health alert over Tamiflu, bird flu spreads in Myanmar | Reuters