
 ⇒Sankei Web > 国際 > 弟は爆破犯?仏大統領候補ロワイヤル氏に醜聞(10/02 16:54)
 ⇒[仏大統領選 ロワイヤル氏出馬宣言 社会党内選開始 夫婦対決は回避] / アジア・世界 / 西日本新聞
 今ここ⇒Telegraph | News | Royal loses her cool after boos from party members

A cascade of bad news has hit the once unstoppable campaign of Segolene Royal to win the French Socialist Party's presidential nomination.
Miss Royal -- derided by her rivals as a policy-light populist -- yesterday failed to conceal her indignation after she was booed and whistled by about half the 6,000 Socialist party members who attended a candidates' debate in Paris.