
 ⇒Chuck Peddle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Friends and acquaintances reported Kildall was bitter at how MS-DOS, whose design was almost entirely based on his own ideas in creating CP/M, made Bill Gates and Microsoft famous while he languished in obscurity. He was particularly piqued when the University of Washington asked him, as a distinguished graduate, to attend their computer science program anniversary in 1992, but gave the keynote speech to college dropout Bill Gates. Kildall died in 1994 of uncertain causes in Monterey, California at the age of 52. Some reports say he fell off of a bar stool at the Franklin Street Bar and Grill in Monterey on July 8 and died of internal bleeding three days later. Gary Kildall was buried in Evergreen - Washelli Cemetery North Seattle, Washington

 商才あるカミさんをもらうことは天才にとって幸せか? わからん。