朝日 ノーベル平和賞―不戦誓った欧州の60年 : 朝日新聞デジタル:社説

 ⇒EU leaders thrilled with Nobel Peace Prize but critics call it a joke
 ⇒朝日新聞デジタル:「平和賞の品位汚した」 EU受賞に欧州各国から批判 - 国際

190 : Lesson

I choose the joy of God instead of pain.

If God is real, there is no pain. If pain is real, there is no God. For vengeance is not part of love. And fear, denying love and using pain to prove that God is dead, has shown that death is victor over life. The body is the Son of God, corruptible in death, as mortal as the Father he has slain. Peace to such foolishness!